Castor & pollux wet cat food, pristine grain-free free-range chicken recipe is a healthy and delicious wet food for your feline friends. Made primarily with natural ingredients and fortified with vitamins, pristine grain-free free-range chicken recipe is largely free of unnatural and unnecessary additives. This product is organic and does not contain any grain. Each pouch of castor & pollux wet cat food, pristine grain-free free-range chicken recipe weighs 3 oz. See nutrition facts panel for allergens. country of origin : united states size : 3 oz pack of : 24 selling unit : case ingredients : chicken;chicken broth;water sufficient for processing;organic chicken liver;organic turkey;dried egg whites;organic dried peas;organic carrots;organic cranberries;organic apples natural flavor;guar gum;tricalcium phosphate;salt;potassium chloride;taurine;salmon oil;preserved with mixed tocopherols;minerals;zinc amino acid chelate;iron amino acid chelate;copper amino acid chelate;manganese amino acid chelate;sodium selenite;potassium iodide;sodium carbonate;choline chloride;vitamins;vitamin e sup keywords : feline;fresh;healthy;natural;organic;taste;vitamins